I am truly humbled by the sacrifice of our Savior and will not fully understand the true meaning of this sacrifice until I am reunited with my creator. Amazing love. What a special week of celebration! Our week started with Palm Sunday, we had a plate of candles that were all lit in honor of this holy week. Each night that we came closer to Christ's death and resurrection, we blew a candle out. On Good Friday, we blew all of the candles out and there was darkness. This is a very powerful visual. Today, the candles are all lit once again to celebrate the Resurrection. Another tradition we have started is the Easter Box. Each night this week, the box was filled with something that told the story of Christ's journey. (palm sunday-palm branch, temptation- snake, anointing of Jesus- small jars with oils, etc.) I think our kids will be excited to continue these traditions every year, the kids were reminding me several times a day that candles needed to be blown out or lit. It is a peaceful presence in our home having the candles all lit today.
The beautiful eggs the kids collected before church.
Hidden Easter baskets found and opened.
What a beautiful family! xo
Me and my sweet girl.
Tonight for dinner we had the BEST ham I have ever tasted- free range, organic ham raised on my parents farm. It was incredible! We had mashed potatoes with Boursin and chives topped with Parmesan and then baked, asparagus with garlic, olive oil and shallots, homemade rolls, and mashed sweet potatoes. We were so full but still had chocolate covered strawberries and cranberry bread for dessert. :) Ryan kept saying "This is the greatest day!"
We had a wonderful week celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus, it is such a special holiday, but today I was reminded (by a wonderful, beautiful, wise mama) that every day should be a celebration of Christ's Resurrection, that its important to carry this thankfulness into the rest of the year, this is something that I hope to be more mindful of.
God, I give up my life to you. I don't want to try and control it any longer. Please guide me. I choose to say yes to you, and only you.
Simply Beautiful! xo
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